Project IMPACT – CPI
Are you a Small to Medium-sized Enterprise based in North East England?
Are you looking to develop a new product or process or improve an existing one? Do you have a challenge that requires technical expertise?
CPI is delivering a programme on behalf of the European Regional Development Fund called IMPACT (Innovative Materials via Precision Additive Coating Technologies).
This programme is fully funded through the State Aid Scheme, and support is based around challenges within additive manufacturing (3D printing) and the precision coating of materials. This can include coatings, adhesives, inks, resins, textiles, polymers and specialist sensors.
Companies can benefit from the following support from CPI:
Technical expertise located in state-of-the-art research facilities
Feasibility and research studies
Proof of concept and prototyping
Assisting the development of new and/or improved products, materials and processes
Evaluation of novel materials including inks, coatings, adhesives and resins
Material characterisation
Understanding material behaviour in extreme environments
Signposting to continuation funding via collaborative projects, or national programmes