What is a science park?
A science park is commonly a development of bespoke lab space, office space and cleanrooms that accommodates and fosters the growth of innovative businesses devoted to scientific research or the development of science-based or technological industries.
Science and technology parks in the UK
NETPark is one of the UK’s premier science, engineering and technology parks in the UK for the commercialisation of cutting edge R&D from major international organisations, universities and entrepreneurs. We are home to over thirty two innovative companies providing over 550 highly skilled jobs here at NETPark, Sedgefield in County Durham.
We are a destination where world-class science and technology companies and individuals come together.

NETPark Vision
NETPark has a bold vision and an ambitious strategy for the future – we want to become the global hub for materials integration, supporting companies to integrate materials into innovative, high-value products with enormous social and economic impact. Products that will help us be healthier, generate sustainable energy, keep us safe and secure in the world and transform the lives of those around us.
For every success we’ve had, we want hundreds more. By 2025 NETPark will not just be a destination of choice it will be a destination of necessity for SMEs, blue chips, universities and governments who want to unleash the potential of materials, transforming them into products that change all our lives for the better.

Kromek Join NETPark
NETPark’s first tenant Kromek came to NETPark in 2004 with three employees as a Durham University spin-out. Today they are a global OEM, employ over 100 people across sites in the UK and the USA. They are a leading developer of high-performance radiation detection products they produce x-ray and gamma ray imaging and radiation detection products for the medical, security screening and nuclear markets.
NETPark Phase Three
is a £61m, 26-acre expansion providing bespoke design and build opportunities between 11,500 – 37,500 sq ft providing the grow-on space needed by companies that have developed on the park as well as inward investors looking to relocate their science, engineering or technology business in County Durham.