NETPark-based Kromek Group plc (AIM: KMK), a leading developer of radiation and bio-detection technology solutions for the advanced imaging and CBRN detection segments, is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a $5.9m contract from the US Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (“CWMD”) Office for the research and development of technologies focusing on an agent agnostic bio-detection system. The contract has been awarded under a four-year programme, which commences immediately, and the Group expects to receive $874k during the first year base period.
Arnab Basu, CEO of Kromek Group, said: “We are pleased to have been awarded this new contract for the research and development of agent agnostic biosecurity technologies, which will build on our existing expertise and technology in the field of automated bio-detection solutions. It is our first biosecurity contract from the Department of Homeland Security and underscores our belief that there are significant market opportunities in this area, as our technologies align well with government biosecurity strategies.